Nearly there

The X for Rogue is done. She’s packed…

The Padme brooches are done (although the casting didn’t work; we’re going to try it again after the con, so I’ll be wearing the sculpey ones there) and packed.

Lake dress is not done. It’ll have to go with me on the plane.

Yesterday was NOT a good day. I won’t go into the details but nothing went right yesterday. The worst three were:
1. Getting locked out of my costume closet. It’s the only door in the house that has one of those little push locks on the inside, but no hole on the outside that you can pop it open if it gets locked by mistake. I had to have dad come figure out how to get it open.
2. I can’t find my black bodysuit for my stormtrooper. The last time I saw it, I was laying on a couch at the prop party last weekend, having just changed out of it, and I handed it to chase as he walked by to take it downstairs and put it in my bin. He said he put it in with all his black vader stuff, which was also in my bin. But it’s not in there now. I can’t find it anywhere. My only other option would be if, when I was sorting through the vader stuff that was finished and unfinished, it got left at Chase’s apt. He’s going to look tonight. Otherwise I’ll have to run to target tomorrow and try to find something that will work.
3. I completely screwed up the dye for the lake dress last night. I mixed it, tested a scrap, it looked fine. Keep in mind that this was at 1AM – we had just finished hemming it all then. I was trying to get the dying done so it could dry overnight. Somehow, when I put the actual dress in there – I’m not sure what happened, either that fabric just soaked it up too quick or something – it turned bright, bright, BRIGHT yellow. I freaked out and immediately tossed it in dye remover (which I keep handy always when dying something) and that wasn’t helping! I was in tears. I went and got mum up (she was dead asleep) and we looked at it, I finally ended up just leaving it in the sink with dye remover until 4am. Then I hung it up to dry, and went to sleep.

This morning, things are looking better. Ann just let me know I’m in the latest issue of Newtype (in belle, at MTAC) – that’ll be the first thing I look for at the con wednesday!
And I just tossed the fabric in the dryer for a few and pinned it onto the dress. It looks fine. Tonight when mum gets home I’ll do the pink and blue. I think that was my problem – I didn’t have anyone helping, holding up the excess fabric and I let parts stay in too long because I was too busy dealing with keeping the trains out of the way.
So it’s all good right now.
Time to load up the car so I can ship! It’s a record 6 boxes!